Good afternoon,
I am pleased to announce that The Arc of Monmouth has partnered with Walgreens on Tuesday, February 16th to vaccinate over 140 staff, residents, and Work Opportunity Center, participants. The second dose will be administered on March 9th.
We are incredibly grateful to have been able to collaborate with Walgreens. Getting so many people vaccinated is a testament to the importance of us all working together to achieve a common goal.
Today, Thursday, February 18, 2021, DDD announced that Day Programs will continue to remain closed because of the ongoing Public Health Emergency in New Jersey. We all hope that as more people get vaccinated and the number of new Covid-19 cases decrease Day
Programs, and the Work Opportunity Center will be able to re-open. When we are given a date to re-open, I will communicate that to everyone in a timely manner so that we can get your loved ones back to program.
We continue to work to ensure that vaccines are available for all our participants and staff who want them. If you are able to get the vaccine sooner either through your pharmacy or at one of the NJ Mega Sites we encourage you to do so.
As always, if you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly either via e-mail rangel@arcofmonmouth.org or call me on (732) 493-1919 X 150. Questions can also be addressed to Leslie Kelly, Director of Adult Services lkelly@arcofmonmouth.org (732) 389-5256 or Linda Porter, Director of Vocational Services at WOC lporter@arcofmonmouth.org (732) 229-4414 X 204
-Bob Angel