" Fiddler On The Roof" Theatre Show

A celebration of life and all its challenges, and featuring the Broadway classics "Tradition", " If I were a Rich Man", " Sunrise, Sunset". " Matchmaker, Matchmaker, and " To Life", this musical will have you singing, laughing and in good spirits! Prior to the show, we will feast on a catered meal at Max Devros.
Date: Saturday April 13, 2024
Time: 11:00AM-4:30PM
Location: Drop off/Pick up at The Arc Ccenter
Cost: $90 ** Includes ticket to show, catered meal, chaperones and transportation
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Years of Advocacy
Individuals Served
Lauren * Mother of Arc of Monmouth participant
I can’t imagine what our lives would be like without The Arc. They provide everything we could need or hope for, for our daughter. They know where we need to go and how we need to get there so that we can help Dani have the best life!
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