Turning Pages Book Club " The Star Outside My Window"

We will be reading " The Star Outside My Window", a heartwarming tale about friendship, imagination, and the power of dreams. This book encourages the reader to embrace their uniqueness and reach for the stars. Your invited to look beyond the ordinary and find extraordinary moments in the most unexpected places!! Join me in reaching for the stars.
Date: Tuesdays- March 19, 2024- until completion of the book
Time: 5:00-6:00 PM
Location: Virtual
Cost: $25 Includes book and discussions
No Session: March 26th
A Longstanding Commitment to Improving the Lives of Those With IDD!
Years of Advocacy
Individuals Served
Lauren * Mother of Arc of Monmouth participant
I can’t imagine what our lives would be like without The Arc. They provide everything we could need or hope for, for our daughter. They know where we need to go and how we need to get there so that we can help Dani have the best life!
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