Fundraising Events
Our fundraising events raise money to benefit over 1,600 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities - and they are fun! We have plenty of sponsorship, donation and volunteer opportunities for each event, too.
To get involved with our fundraising events, please contact:
The Development Office
732-493-1919 X 125
Silverball Gala for Autism

Join us for the 7th Annual Silverball Winter Gala for Autism
Live band - Cocktail Attire - Grand Buffet & Seafood Bar - Entertainment all Evening - Live Auction
Enjoy FREE PLAY on 200 classic pinball and arcade games until 1 AM!
Only $80 per ticket
This event is held by The Silverball Museum in Asbury Park. All proceeds benefit The Arc of Monmouth.
Step Up for The Arc Walk

Schedule of Events:
10:00 AM - Walk Registration Opens
11:15 AM - Walk Begins
After-Party at The Headliner immediately following!!!
Come early for free bagels and coffee and be sure to stick around for our rockin' after-party featuring free BBQ lunch from the Lodges of the 17th Masonic District, live music by Shuffle, face painting, balloon twisting, activities, pool and beach volleyball area, and beer on tap at the bar. Plus, all walkers are entitled to free day-of-event admission to the Silverball Museum in Asbury Park!
Chamber Music Spring Concert to Benefit The Arc

Good Shepherd’s Minister of Music, Miae Park will hold her 10th Annual Spring Concert on Sunday, June 2nd at 3:00 PM, in the Sanctuary
of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 112 Middletown Road, Holmdel, NJ.
This can’t miss, event, will feature three talented local musicians playing the music of Bach, Schubert, Elgar, Schumann, Beethoven,
Mendelssohn, and Prokoviev. This trio, comprised of Ethan Jeon (piano), Austin Lee (violin), and David Kim (cello), met at the Summit Music Festival in 2017 fostering their talents as chamber musicians, subsequently forming the Summit Trio. These accomplished musicians
have received multiple accolades, throughout the musical community, with each of them holding impressive musical resumes and earning multiple awards.
Please plan on joining us for this wonderful afternoon of Music. Those attending will be asked to contribute to the Arc of Monmouth, a nonprofit Monmouth County organization, formed to provide services and support for more than 1,600 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our area.
Lasting Independence through Enabling Technology

Join SimplyHome's local representative, Meghan O'Sullivan, as she leads a discussion on how to successfully integrate assistive technology into a person-centered life. She will highlight specific technologies that can address your concerns with:
medication management - cooking safety - falls - flooding - environmental controls - management of chronic health conditions (telehealth)
Enabling technology can be individually customized to effectively support specific needs. She will review ways that it can assist with a variety of support needs, send alerts to the individuals, loved ones, and/or the circle of support. She will share stories of individuals thriving in their journey to independence.
FREE event
My goal is to challenge and empower families to prepare their children for a more independent life. Our technology solutions enable individuals and their circle of support to fully embrace self-determination, independence, and dignity of risk.
Aging & Disabilities: GWEP Training

FREE Training Program on Aging & Disabilities: GWEP Training
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Registration
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM 3 Hr Session - Program & CE's
This workshop will equip participants with an overview of the knowledge and skills needed to understand dementia in adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD). The education provides opportunity to recognize changes from baseline. Training will primarily focus on Aging and Disabilities, Tools to recognize changes (NTG-EDSD/SAFD), Stages of Dementia, Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD), Understanding 3Ds: Dementia, Delirium, and Depression, and Nonpharmacological Approaches to Address Agitation within the context of dementia.
Moderator: Mobin Chadha, LCSW, CAMS-II; Program Director for the S-COPE Program at Trinitas Regional Medical Center, which serves NJ adults 55+ in nursing facilities. She is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), a certified anger management specialist (CAMS-II), and a certified regional trainer for National Task Group. She is also an owner of Life Seva, Counseling and Consultation services. Where she practices as a person-centered psychotherapist focusing on the individual’s strengths, empowering them, and helps to effect change. Mobin received her master’s degree from Rutgers University School of Social Work. At Rutgers, she served on the Executive Council Board and assist in oversight of 200 volunteers for their mentoring program and budgeting. Mobin has extensive history in behavioral healthcare collaborating with caregivers of specialized populations including I/DD and Dementia. Her work has included providing clinical consultation, crisis response, and conducting statewide trainings. Mobin advocates for managing difficult and complex behaviors using non-pharmacological approaches.
Presenter: Leone Murphy, APN-C; Is an Advanced Practice Nurse with extensive experience in Geriatrics and with people with I/DD. She is a Supervisor and Nurse Practitioner for the S-COPE Program. In addition, Ms. Murphy is a Professional Trainer and Instructor for the Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities and an Instructor in Geriatrics and Disabilities for Rutgers University, School of Social Work. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a Master of Science Degree in Nursing from Rutgers University Graduate School, Newark.
This course is approved for nursing credits. Certificates of Attendance will be awarded upon completion of online survey evaluation. Attendees must attend in its entirety.
NJ Social Workers: This course is approved by the Association of Social Work Boards - ASWB NJ CE Course Approval Program Provider #30 Course # 2483 from 04/29/2019 to 04/29/2021. Social workers will receive the following type and number of credits: General Social Work Practice 3.0.
Arc-Anabel Golf Classic

Hit the links in support of The Arc of Monmouth!
The Arc-Anabel Golf Classic raises vital funding to support The Arc's many services and programs for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families.
The outing is a modified scramble - soft spikes are necessary.
Schedule of Events:
10 AM - Registration; Range and Putting Green Open
11 AM - BBQ Lunch
12:30 PM - Shotgun Start
5:30 PM - Cocktail Hour with open bar and hors d'oeuvres
6:30 PM - Grand buffet awards dinner and auctions
Annual Meeting & Awards

Join us in celebrating some of The Arc's most dedicated staff, community partners, and self-advocate of the year.
Doors open at 6:30 pm with a dessert reception
2019 Arc Award Honorees:
Company of the Year - Norman Ferber, Nifty Packaging
Self-Advocate of the Year - Leeann Eldridge, Shrewsbury Group Home
Direct Support Professional of the Year - Janet Fournier, Branches Achievement Center
Manager of the Year - Latosha Reeves, Residential Services
The Kathy Mullery "Spirit of The Arc" Award - Eileen McDonnell, Director of Health Services
Finale Performance - "This is Me" by members of the Broadcast Club and The Achievement Zone drama class
Caregivers Resource Fair

Free and Open to the Public
Connect with local providers, participate in a quick screening to see what services you may be eligible to receive, and learn how to best care for loved ones with dementia.
Light Refreshments will be served.
Presented in collaboration between Moceans Center for Independent Living and The Arc of Monmouth, and supported by a grant from Monmouth County Office on Aging.
Oral Health for Children with Special Health Care Needs

Children with special health care needs are at great risk for dental diseases, and many times they do not know how or are unable to care for their teeth. This workshop is designed for caretakers of children with special health care needs. It will provide a general overview of the importance of daily mouth care and how you as caregivers can help.
Presented by The Arc of NJ Family Institute
Mini Golf Monster Mash

Only $10 per person for mini golf, pizza, and snacks
Costume contest, prizes for top score, and so much more!
Join The Arc of Monmouth for this inclusive night of family-fun to get into the Halloween Spirit!
Free IEP Review

Navigating through the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process can seem overwhelming, but that's where The Arc of New Jersey Family
Institute can help. We are offering FREE regional IEP reviews for families who may have questions or concerns about their child's plan. Families will have an opportunity to sit down with an attorney from Hinkle, Fingles, Prior, & Fischer to review their child's IEP, ask questions and discuss any concerns they may have about their school district.
Space is limited and registration is REQUIRED to attend. Families will receive a free 30 minute IEP review. Contact Kristina Tosti at
(609) 896-4200 to reserve your time slot.
Start time: 6pm(1:1, 30 minute session)
College Tour: Kach (Keep Achieving) at Brookdale

Keep Achieving (Kach) is a three-year college experience in collaboration with Brookdale Community College. Kach provides classroom and experiential learning on campus and in the community. Students attend Kach classes to strengthen basic academic skills, audit regular college courses during years two and three, and enjoy full integration into the Brookdale community, including time in the fitness center and campus volunteer work. Students develop a life-long love for learning, gain marketable employment skills, and better social awareness.
To RSVP or for questions regarding the 11/8 tour - contact Lisa Ford at or call 732.828.2022
For more information on the Kach program, contact Kach coordinator Karen Halloran at or call 732.493.1919 ext. 773
Special Needs Trusts/Estate Planning

RESCHEDULED For Tuesday, November 19th
A special needs trust provides financial support and security for your loved one - without jeopardizing government benefits. Join us for this free workshop to learn more about how to create and fund a special needs trust. Refreshments will be served, so please RSVP.
Presented by:
Alex Hilsen, Esq. of Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler
Lawrence Buccheri of MidAtlantic Resource Group
Winter Glow gala

Join us for an elegant evening of dining, dancing, casino games, and lots of fun... all in support of The Arc of Monmouth's programs and services. Click Event Details to learn more and purchase tickets.
A Longstanding Commitment to Improving the Lives of Those With IDD!
Years of Advocacy
Individuals Served
Lauren * Mother of Arc of Monmouth participant
I can’t imagine what our lives would be like without The Arc. They provide everything we could need or hope for, for our daughter. They know where we need to go and how we need to get there so that we can help Dani have the best life!
Thank You to our Community Partners
Our Top Community Partners
Shore Point