The Arc of Monmouth is excited to announce that our day center project is now underway, as construction on the remodel began mid-June. With this new facility, we’ll be able to address many unmet needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in Monmouth County. Since this project wouldn’t be possible without the help of our generous supporters, we wanted to share what this expansion will mean for our clients, our staff, and the community as a whole.
But first, to grasp the massive potential this project brings, it helps to understand the challenges we’ve faced in serving those with I/DD...
The Challenges in Serving Those with I/DD
As you can imagine, it’s heartbreaking to turn away anyone with I/DD because we don’t have the space available. Over the last 3 years, we’ve received 124 referrals for day services, and we can’t accommodate all those who qualify. But that’s not all...
Without a single sufficient facility, those enrolled in our programs have to go to various locations, which aren’t always ideal, just to participate. Moreover, we’ve been limited as to the programs we can offer.
The good news is that will change in the fall. The unending support of people like you has allowed us to start construction work on our new day center in Wall Township, which is expected to open in mid-October.
How the Day Center Project Will Bring New Opportunities
Ultimately, the day center will allow us to serve those with I/DD better! The facility will provide a new environment built to accommodate our participants’ specific needs.
This means...
- One location to receive the full range of Day Habilitation services
- More room for individuals with I/DD to join The Arc of Monmouth family
- New programs we’ve never been able to offer before
- New medical habilitation programs
Since we are Monmouth’s County’s largest agency that provides services for individuals with I/DD exclusively, there will be a significant improvement in access to services for everyone who needs them.
Plus, the day center project will create new employment and volunteer opportunities in the human services and disability services field.
What the New Day Center Will Look Like
The new facility will include the following:
- Individual program areas
- A kitchen for each program area
- Restrooms
- Classrooms
- Counseling rooms
- Clinical rooms
- A Sensory Room
- A gym
Eventually, there will be outside seating and an area for recreational activities.
What Services Will Be Available
With the new day center, more individuals with I/DD in the county will be able to enroll in current programs. Plus, they will be able to take advantage of additional services. For example, Medical Day Habilitation for young adults will be available at the center overseen by nursing staff. We will also be offering behavioral services and counseling provided by a licensed BCBA and counselors. Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy will also be available, provided by licensed therapists.
1. Medical Day Habilitation Services
A dedicated interdisciplinary team of professionals will work together to improve the lives of people with I/DD. The team, consisting of clinical staff members and therapists, will evaluate and consult with individuals and care providers to develop a comprehensive support plan for each program member.
2. Educational Programs and Skills Development
The Arc of Monmouth also provides extensive programs to develop social and emotional skills and promote independence. Each participant will develop an individual service plan that builds independent living, social communication, and daily living skills.
Why Support from Donors Matters
Your support will help individuals with I/DD and their families to take advantage of the services and programs they need, including care, training, and education.
We are always heartened by the willingness of individuals and businesses in Monmouth County to support our mission. That’s why we’re recognizing that generosity by providing sponsorship opportunities such as room dedications and memorial benches. When you take advantage of such opportunities, you can not only make a difference in the lives of those with I/DD but also leave your mark or honor a loved one!
Stay Tuned for Updates
Those of us at The Arc of Monmouth can’t wait to see what the future holds with this day center project. And we hope you will help us ensure the new day center is a success!
Our goal is to keep our clients, staff, and community up to date on the latest news about our day center project. In addition to posting on social media, we’ll be updating our day center page as more information becomes available. To learn about...
- What Progress Has Been Made
- How to Enroll in Our Programs
- How to Join Our Team
- How to Support Our New Day Center
...click HERE.